July 25-29, 2023 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Arlington, VA
We represented Supply88 in the exhibit hall. Mark Purney received PTG’s Crowl-Travis Member of Note award.


August 3-6, 2022 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Anaheim, CA
In the exhibit hall, we displayed our latest products at the Supply88 booth.

February 2022 Mark Purney of Mesa Piano Service Creates the World’s Lightest Carbon Fiber Piano Tuning Lever
At just 4 ounces, the Kestrel carbon fiber tuning lever, is the world’s lightest piano tuning lever, optimized for concert tuners. Offered by Supply88, this game-changing tool is receiving rave reviews by piano technicians around the world.


October 16, 2021 The Ravenscroft Venue Opens
The Ravenscroft is a new Scottsdale, AZ facility featuring a state-of-the-art performance hall, recording studio, and the Jazzbird Lounge, which hosts weekly jazz shows. It will also house the showroom for the incredible Ravenscroft Pianos, and the building is also the headquarters for the Music Serving the Word Ministry. We are honored to have been chosen as the principal tuning service for the stage and studio pianos, as well as for the Lakeshore Jazz Concert Series performances held in Ravenscroft Hall.
January 23, 2021 Guest Appearance on Piano Tech Radio Hour
Mark Purney was the featured guest on the Piano Tech Radio Hour, the video podcast produced for our industry by Piano Technicians Masterclasses.


July 6-14, 2019 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Tucson, AZ
We will be representing Supply88 in the Exhibit Hall, and Mark will finish his fourth and final year on the PTG Board of Directors.

May 2-5, 2019 NEECSO (New England / Eastern Canada) Regional Conference in Hartford, CT
Dawn is representing Supply88 (our tool/supply business) in the exhibit hall.

March 11-18, 2019 Tour of Northern California
Representing PTG as the Western Regional VP, Mark gave a presentation on finish repair and discussed PTG issues at the chapter meetings for the Santa Clara, Sacramento, San Francisco, Redwood, and Fresno Chapters of the Piano Technicians Guild.

January 24-27, 2019 The NAMM Show, Anaheim, CA

January 12, 2019 Touchweight Seminar with Bruce Stevens & David Vanderlip
This Phoenix all-day seminar, taught by our friends from Califonia, covered practical methods for piano action weigh-off (optimizing the touch of a piano), and was hosted by the Phoenix Chapter of the PTG and meeting space provided by Stilwell Pianos.


July 2018 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Lancaster, PA
We did the usual: Mark attended board meetings while Dawn ran the Supply88 booth in the Exhibit Hall, and we connected with our friends as we do every year.

April 19-22, 2018 WestPAC VII Regional PTG Conference in Anaheim, CA
Mark co-managed the PTG Exhibit with David Stocker (Pacific Northwest Regional VP), while Dawn ran the booth again for Supply88.

January 25-28, 2018 The NAMM Show, Anaheim, CA
The work of piano technicians was highlighted with a beautiful display put together by NAMM and the PTG Foundation. Mark attended the Ravenscroft Pianos reception featuring live music by the Bob Ravenscroft Trio.


October 2, 2017 PTG Phoenix Chapter Presentation by Mark Purney, RPT
Mark gave a presentation on various technological advancements that provide piano technicians with greater capabilities than ever before, including a 3D printing demonstration to make a replacement bracket out of plastic.

July 2017 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, St. Louis, MO
Once again, Dawn operated the Supply88 booth in the Exhibit Hall, while Mark attended Board meetings. Mark was elected for another term as Western Regional VP.

May 28 – June 2, 2017 The Renner Academy, Scottsdale, AZ
Mark attended the week-long Renner USA factory training program, which included hands-on training in Regulation, Voicing, Action Rebuilding, Back (Damper) Action Rebuilding, plus Boring, Shaping and Hanging Hammers. The Renner Academy is instructed by Rick Baldassin, Michael Spreeman, Nick Gravagne and Carl Teel. We’re grateful to the instructors, and to the Meyer family for their hospitality and dedication to Piano Technology education.

January 19-22, 2017 The NAMM Show, Anaheim, CA

January 15, 2017 WNG Action Replacement Seminar w/ Bruce Clark of Mason & Hamlin, Phoenix, AZ


October 13-15, 2016 PTG South Central Regional Conference in Granbury, TX
Mark attended Piano Technology classes while Dawn ran the Supply88 booth in the Exhibit Hall.

July 20-23, 2016 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Norfolk, VA
This event was stellar in so many ways: The venue was amazing, it was highly attended, and a great educational opportunity (as always). During the event, about a dozen members completed their RPT exams to become new Registered Piano Technicians! The Council and Executive Board also accomplished a great deal in a short amount of time. Dawn managed the Supply88 booth in the Exhibit Hall, and Mark was re-elected for another term as Western Regional Vice President for PTG. We are so glad to be a part of the Piano Technicians Guild!

March 31-April 3, 2016 WestPAC VI Regional PTG Conference, Seattle, WA
We attended the PTG Western and Pacific Regional Conference in Seattle. Mark co-managed the PTG booth in the Exhibit hall, along with Jeff Hickey, RPT (Northwest Regional VP). Dawn ran the Supply88 booth. The event was a huge success, and we look forward to WestPAC VII in Southern California in 2018.

January 30-31, 2016 PTG Home Office Visit, Kansas City, KS
Mark visited the Piano Technicians Guild’s Home Office, and met with the PTG Executive Board.

January 21-24, 2016 The NAMM Show, Anaheim, CA
Mark attended Winter NAMM 16 (National Association of Music Merchants), the largest music industry event with exhibits displaying the latest innovations and technology in pianos, music, audio and recording.

January 18, 2016 Multi-Chapter Meeting with LaRoy Edwards, Santa Monica, CA
Seven So-Cal chapters of PTG gathered for a special event presented by Laroy Edwards, RPT and his daughters Susan and Jane, at Keyboard Concepts in Santa Monica. The event was organized by Kayoko Forrest, RPT. It was a great time of learning about tools and techniques from LaRoy and spending time with our PTG friends in California.

January 9, 2016 Arizona State Seminar with Michael Alosi, Scottsdale, AZ
Michael Alosi provided a day of instruction, covering advanced rebuilding topics, properties of wood, and leg and lyre repair.


July 15-19, 2015 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Denver, CO
The Denver Convention was successful and well-attended. Mark Purney, RPT was elected to PTG’s Board of Directors as Western Regional Vice President, and is honored to be chosen to serve PTG in this capacity. During the Convention, PTG presented some prestigious awards to people who have impacted our lives and work: The Golden Hammer Award (PTG’s highest honor) was presented to Dale Probst, RPT. We are grateful to Dale for his service to PTG, his friendship and wisdom. Bruce Stevens, RPT, was awarded the Hall of Fame Award, and the Member of Note Award was given to Anne Garee, RPT. (On a personal note, I want to thank David and Lucy Downs, who helped Dawn run the Supply88 exhibit. I couldn’t ask for better parents-in-law! – Mark)

February 26-March 1, 2015 WestPAC V Regional PTG Conference in Ontario, CA
We attended Piano Technology classes at the 5th annual conference for the Western-Pacific Region of the Piano Technicians Guild, and introduced a new offering of products and services (tools for piano technicians) at the Supply88 booth in the Exhibit Hall.

February 2, 2015 Restoring Ebony Sharps – presented by Mark Purney, RPT
At the February meeting of the Phoenix Chapter of the Piano Technicians Guild, Mark covered the topic of keyboard restoration, with a focus on refinishing ebony sharp keys.

January 22-24, 2015 The NAMM Show, Anaheim, CA
Mark attended Winter NAMM 15 (National Association of Music Merchants).

January 10, 2015 Phoenix PTG Chapter All-Day Seminar with Jude Reveley
Jude Reveley of Absolute Piano Restoration (Boston, MA) covered the topic of rebuilding pianos using the various innovations, tools and composite action components from Wessell Nickel & Gross.


July 16-20, 2014 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Atlanta, GA
This was Mark’s year as Institute Director, ending a 4-year service with the Piano Technicians Guild Institute Team. The event was a success, thanks to 95 amazing instructors, all the piano manufacturers and local Atlanta dealers who provided pianos, the PTG piano moving crew, the dedicated PTG Home Office staff, the exhibitors, the Atlanta PTG Chapter, and the volunteers and leaders in PTG who help put it all together. This was Dawn’s last year as PTG Auxiliary President, and the farewell celebration for the Auxiliary as an official organization.


July 10-14, 2013 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Chicago
Another great educational program. This was Mark’s 3rd Convention as a member of the PTG Institute Team and Dawn’s 3rd as PTG Auxiliary President.

June 11-14, 2013 Wessel Nickel & Gross Action Rebuilding Certification Classes
Mark attended a four-day Action Rebuilding seminar at PianoDisc in Sacramento to receive instruction and hands-on training from the designers at Wessel Nickel & Gross. WNG makes innovative composite and carbon fiber action components used in the redesign, rebuilding and restoration of older piano actions, as well as the new, high-end pianos built by Mason & Hamlin.

March 7-10, 2013 WestPAC III Regional PTG Conference in Phoenix
Phoenix hosted the 3rd annual conference for the Western-Pacific Region of the Piano Technicians Guild. We attended three days of classes and spend time with our friends and colleagues, both local and visiting from around the country.

February 7, 2013 Mark Purney, RPT Chosen as Institute Director for 2014 Atlanta
The PTG Institute provides hundreds of classroom hours of instruction at the yearly PTG National Convention and Institute event. This is the largest organized educational event for piano technicians worldwide. Hundreds of technicians learn from dozens of instructors, and between 50 and 100 pianos are typically brought to the event for classroom instruction and display in the Exhibit Hall. Planning for each event takes over a year, and it is an honor to be selected by the PTG to lead Institute Team for the 2014 Convention in Atlanta.

January 24-27, 2013 NAMM Show (National Assoc. of Music Merchants) Anaheim
Mark attended the show to catch up on the latest developments in the music industry, and see the latest from the companies that supply us with piano accessories.


July 10-14, 2012 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Bellevue (Seattle)
This was Mark’s 2nd year on the Institute Team and Dawn’s 2nd Convention as Auxiliary President. We had a wonderful time as usual.

January 28, 2012 Phoenix PTG Chapter All-Day Seminar with Don Mannino
Don Mannino, RPT (Technical Director and Master Piano Artisan at Kawai USA) provided all-day classes for the Phoenix Chapter and those who could travel to the event.

January 19-22, 2012 NAMM Show (National Assoc. of Music Merchants) Anaheim
The NAMM show was a great opportunity to talk to piano manufacturers who supply pianos for the PTG Institute, as well as a chance to see new products, and catch performances from incredible musicians.


July 13-17, 2011 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Kansas City
Mark co-instructed a business class with Ruth Van Dine. RPT and John Parham, RPT, and served his first year on the Institute Team. Dawn led meetings and events for the Auxiliary. Mark also got to perform Chopin’s D minor Prelude and Debussy Reflets dans l’eau on a Ravenscroft 220 at the close of a voicing class by Michael Spreeman and Rick Baldassin.


October 7-9, 2010 SCRC Regional PTG Conference in Texas
Mark traveled to Austin for three days of classes and events with a wonderful group of technicians in the South Central Region.

July 2010 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Las Vegas
During this event, Mark served as Delegate to Council for the Phoenix Chapter and was appointed as Chair of the Economic Affairs Committee. Mark was also interviewed and selected by the Executive Board to become the newest member of the Institute Team. Dawn Purney was elected President of the PTG Auxiliary.

January 2010 Arizona State PTG Seminar
Steve Brady, RPT visited from Washington to provide us with a full day of technical classes.


July 2009 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Grand Rapids
Mark and Dawn enjoyed another fine PTG event of events and learning. Mark sat in Council as an Alternate, and was Appointed to the Marketing Committee.

January 10, 2009 Arizona State PTG Seminar
We enjoyed this all-day seminar included 5 classes taught by Randy Potter, RPT of the Randy Potter School of Piano Technology.


July 15, 2008 Route 202 Highway Opening Community Event
Mesa Piano Service had a booth at ADOT’s “Roundin’ Out the Red Mountain” event. This was a huge community gathering to commemmorate the opening of the east section of the 202 Loop.

June 18-22, 2008 PTG Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Anaheim
Mark Purney was invited to speak in a class taught by Evelyn Smith, RPT and Ed Sutton, RPT, along with John Parham, RPT. Attended 5 days of classes and events.

January 5, 2008 Arizona State PTG Seminar
Mark attended this all-day event featuring instruction by David Andersen.


June 20-24, 2007 PTG’s 50th Annual Convention and Technical Institute, Kansas City
This special event featured a Manufacturer’s Showcase in addition to the excellent educational offerings by the Institute, special evening events and the Exhibit Hall.